Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Yahooligans
Pop. 80


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
71Steve The GreatLand SquidShiv-Knight37STR 77Act IV+12 Custom Studded Mithril Mail BrassairtsLockjaw XIVYou dare insult the great land squid!Yahooligans
72OonbrizBattle-FinchUr-Paladin35STR 131Act III+13 Heavy Dancing BandyclefTumor (Benign) VIIWebforward Media!!Yahooligans
73cbinneyGreater GnomeBirdrider34WIS 93Act III+19 Steely Heavy HalberdLockjaw VII$key=$key;Yahooligans
74UthredLow ElfMage Illusioner27STR 50Act III+8 Studded Cambric ABS GambesonBraingate VIIYahooligans
75VatbrotDung ElfMu-Fu Monk18CHA 35Act IIFine Studded Scale Mail HauberkCone of Annoyance VI3 times a ladyYahooligans
76InterroHalf ManRobot Monk9STR 28Act I-1 Patched Ringmail GambesonRabbit Punch VThis is the INTERROYahooligans
77MavoovLand SquidRobot Monk2WIS 19Act I-1 Macrame HauberkRevolting Cloud IYahooligans
78AWSMHalf ManMage Illusioner1CHA 15Act ISharp StickThe AWSM shall prevail!Yahooligans
79Yates - WFHLand SquidVoodoo Princess1CON 12PrologueSharp StickYahooligans
80SquigldyPigldyLand SquidRuneloremaster1WIS 16Act ISharp StickYahooligans

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