Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for WSACGUILD
Pop. 104


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
61BregobDouble WookieeVoodoo Princess53INT 414Act X+27 Gilded Holy Mithril Mail BrassairtsNestor's Bright Idea XLVIIBCZIT
62AngragEel ManMu-Fu Monk53WIS 394Act X+27 Gilded Impressive Titanium HelmGyp LIIIBCZIT
63OuvropBattle-FinchSlow Poisoner53CHA 610Act X+16 Custom Holy Plasma GreavesBraingate XLIBCZIT
64PropramWill o' the WispBattle-Felon53WIS 650Act X+24 Fine Diamond Mail VambracesClever Fellow LVIBCZIT
65VoogvekLow ElfTongueblade53WIS 397Act X+26 Cambric Studded Diamond Mail HauberkTumor (Benign) LXBCZIT
66DrommaepLesser DwarfInner Mason53WIS 715Act X+31 Gilded Titanium VambracesHydrophobia LBCZIT
67XoongrizHalf OrcSlow Poisoner53INT 653Act X+22 Holy Cambric Diamond Mail GreavesInnoculate LXIBCZIT
68BrotfroutDung ElfRobot Monk49DEX 299Act VIII+38 Pronged Polished Morning StarNestor's Bright Idea XXVIIIBCZIT
69GripmudTrans-KoboldSlow Poisoner49DEX 383Act VIII+28 Vorpal Stabbity LanceHoly Batpole XXXIIBCZIT
70ImjivHalf OrcUr-Paladin42WIS 140Act V+22 Holy Splint Mail HauberkCone of Paste XVIBCZIT

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