Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for WSACGUILD
Pop. 104


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
91ZimwhixDemicanadianUr-Paladin29CON 57Act III+5 Cambric Custom Titanium VambracesSadness XBCZIT
92ZockutEel ManBastard Lunatic29CON 78Act III+2 Impressive Gilded Titanium GreavesHydrophobia IXBCZIT
93NavnixEel ManTickle-Mimic29WIS 60Act III+5 Studded Gilded Mithril Mail CuissesInnoculate VIIBCZIT
94RinmixGyrognomeRobot Monk29CON 54Act III-2 Plasma GambesonSpectral Miasma VIIBCZIT
95KrodxievPanda ManVoodoo Princess29DEX 70Act III+3 Fine Impressive Platemail BrassairtsNestor's Bright Idea VIBCZIT
96FribkruvTalking PonyRuneloremaster29DEX 60Act III+4 Gilded Fine Kevlar CuissesCone of Paste VIIIBCZIT
97YouvwhoogDung ElfBattle-Felon29CON 54Act III+6 Studded Festooned Kevlar CuissesClever Fellow XBCZIT
98YuvzedWill o' the WispSlow Poisoner29DEX 59Act III+15 Custom Cambric Tower ShieldDropsy VBCZIT
99ZaexoobDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic29INT 55Act III+1 Festooned Impressive Titanium BrassairtsInnoculate XBCZIT
100TrevprekDouble WookieeRuneloremaster1CHA 14Act ISharp StickBCZIT

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