Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for LUElinks
Pop. 408


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
231BerserkHalf OrcRobot Monk41CHA 139Act V+24 Impressive Scale Mail GauntletsInnoculate XIIBYAAAAAAAA!L402
232ParkerCrested DwarfUr-Paladin41CON 146Act V+5 Gilded Custom Plasma BrassairtsNestor's Bright Idea XIIIL402
233Ghost RideeEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk41DEX 153Act V+28 Steely Serrated Peen-armAstral Miasma XIL402
234Fox1337DemicanadianBastard Lunatic41STR 157Act V+6 Impressive Holy Diamond Mail SolleretsAnimate Nightstand XIL402
235defianceDouble HobbitRobot Monk41STR 160Act V+2 Festooned Impressive Plasma HelmTumor (Benign) XIL402
236UtjavDemicanadianBastard Lunatic41STR 172Act V+15 Fine Studded Mithril Mail BrassairtsMulligan XVL402
237DANTHEMAN121Battle-FinchMu-Fu Monk41STR 148Act V+9 Impressive Studded Diamond Mail GambesonAnimate Nightstand XII#1 Dan! King of Burnsville!L402
238ZaxxavGreater GnomeMage Illusioner40WIS 106Act V+6 Studded Festooned Plasma SolleretsSeasick XXXL402
239KreuzkopfEnchanted MotorcycleSlow Poisoner40CHA 106Act V+11 Custom Studded Diamond Mail HelmInnoculate XIXL402
240RadunCrested DwarfUr-Paladin40CON 117Act V+20 Vicious Invisible HalberdAqueous Humor XIIL402

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