Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for WoW Szene Armee
Pop. 247

WoW Szene Armee

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
51NeksusHalf ManMage Illusioner49CHA 307Act VII+19 Custom Cambric Diamond Mail CuissesTumor (Benign) XXWoWSzene
52CraecktrabDung ElfHunter Strangler49WIS 308Act VII+34 Vicious Heavy CulverinClever Fellow XXXVIII don't like sea elvesWoWSzene
53PraepbrumHalf ManMu-Fu Monk49CHA 354Act VII+35 Dancing Steely BlunderbussInnoculate XLVIWoWSzene
54TokataLesser DwarfMage Illusioner48CON 404Act VII+21 Gilded Fine Mithril Mail HauberkGood Move XLIVermisse die Bugs...wird Zeit das Blizz übernimmt^WoWSzene
55VengaxPanda ManBattle-Felon48STR 441Act VII+24 Serrated Vorpal BandyclefBraingate XXIIAh, fresh meat!WoWSzene
56LollerskatesDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic48WIS 245Act VII+16 Holy Banded Diamond Mail CuissesCone of Paste XVIIIFor Pony!WoWSzene
57AraawPanda ManRuneloremaster48CON 303Act VII+21 Fine Festooned Titanium CuissesHoly Batpole XXXIIEat the carnivoresWoWSzene
58InfernisLow ElfShiv-Knight48STR 326Act VII+21 Cambric Diamond Mail GauntletsAnimate Nightstand XXIVWoWSzene
59ReaPanda ManMu-Fu Monk47WIS 327Act VII+25 Holy Gilded Platemail HauberkHastiness XXXVweapon: +17 Vibrating Gnome PenisWoWSzene
60AtinuvielLow ElfVoodoo Princess47STR 221Act VII+20 Impressive Banded Mithril Mail HelmAqueous Humor XXXIIIWoWSzene

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