Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for gamrchat
Pop. 189


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
161BrenlagCrested DwarfHunter Strangler44CHA 159Act V+18 Studded Impressive Titanium HelmSpectral Miasma XXHmmm....gamrchat
162Epik LulzLand SquidLowling43STR 214Act V+7 Fine Cambric Plasma SolleretsHoly Batpole XVII do it for the lulzgamrchat
163ArathaldHalf HalflingRuneloremaster42CHA 148Act V+11 Fine Cambric Diamond Mail GauntletsHydrophobia XIIIgamrchat
164MaigerbaitDouble WookieeBattle-Felon39CHA 107Act IV+2 Impressive Studded Plasma GreavesRevolting Cloud XIIIPew Pew Pewgamrchat
165RudxugPanda ManFighter/Organist38DEX 76Act IV+15 Studded Cambric Mithril Mail HauberkLockjaw XVI lovhate dis gam.gamrchat
166DrekcravDouble HobbitPuma Burgular38DEX 89Act IV+10 Impressive Custom Titanium HauberkBig Sister XIILet s playengamrchat
167ChuwiiDouble WookieeTongueblade37DEX 85Act IV+12 Vorpal Steely BandyclefBig Sister XNow with twice as much Wookiee!gamrchat
168LegcragEnchanted MotorcycleBattle-Felon33DEX 72Act III+13 Vorpal Vicious Bastard SwordAqueous Humor XIVgamrchat
169OrzTalking PonyPuma Burgular33INT 85Act III+1 Studded Plasma HauberkLockjaw Xgamrchat
170UtmezDemicanadianShiv-Knight32DEX 77Act IIIHoly Gilded Diamond Mail HelmCone of Paste IXgamrchat

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