Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Vidya
Pop. 185


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
71GorlacHalf OrcShiv-Knight45CHA 189Act VI+13 Impressive Cambric Diamond Mail CuissesInnoculate XXVIIA herp de derp./v/
72GaelstormGyrognomeMage Illusioner45WIS 227Act VI+19 Custom Gilded Mithril Mail BrassairtsClever Fellow XXVsure is video games in here/v/
73KriexfrackLand SquidShiv-Knight44STR 166Act VI+10 Festooned Cambric Plasma CuissesNestor's Bright Idea XX/v/
74Squid GirlLand SquidTickle-Mimic44CHA 182Act VI+27 Custom Impressive Tower ShieldClever Fellow XXVISHINRYAKU IKA MUSUME KYUN~/v/
75ButtplugPanda ManTongueblade44STR 188Act V+8 Custom Banded Plasma VambracesHoly Batpole XIX/v/
76BrosigTalking PonyBattle-Felon44CHA 137Act V+20 Studded Holy Kevlar GauntletsLockjaw XVII/v/
77NANOMACHINESDemicanadianBastard Lunatic43CON 191Act V+17 Impressive Custom ABS SolleretsCone of Annoyance XXIIIGrinding, grinding has changed.../v/
78No MercyLand SquidTickle-Mimic43CON 181Act V+16 Festooned Custom Mithril Mail HauberkVitreous Humor XI/v/
79TrexvinWill o' the WispMage Illusioner43CON 135Act V+17 Gilded Custom Mithril Mail HelmMulligan XI/v/
80SheikPanda ManBastard Lunatic42INT 140Act V+6 Holy Cambric Plasma GambesonBraingate XVIVVVvvvVVvvVVVvvvVVV/v/

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