Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for River Rats
Pop. 51

River Rats

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
30WumpemTalking PonyTongueblade80DEX 37741Act LXII+60 Studded Gilded ABS BrassairtsSadness MMMCLXXIR-Rats
31Gonkulator6Double HobbitVoodoo Princess80WIS 35652Act LXI+61 Studded Custom Splint Mail CuissesSlime Finger MMMCLXXIXR-Rats
32Calling In BlindDouble HobbitPuma Burgular79DEX 24051Act LVII+59 Custom Banded Splint Mail HelmHydrophobia MDCCLXIVR-Rats
33WorkingChristmasGyrognomeMage Illusioner79DEX 20799Act LV+57 Gilded Festooned ABS CuissesClever Fellow MCMLIXYou guys can have it off again.R-Rats
34notASSBURGER6Double HobbitMu-Fu Monk79DEX 28498Act LV+45 Impressive Holy Diamond Mail HauberkTumor (Benign) MCCCXIIIR-Rats
35CilderenBattle-FinchHunter Strangler77INT 16038Act XLIX+61 Heavy Vicious PoleaxAqueous Humor MDMore LOOT!!R-Rats
36WowBotHalf OrcUr-Paladin77CON 18259Act XLVII+52 Impressive Gilded ABS GauntletsHydrophobia MCCXR-Rats
37RedneckWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess64DEX 2920Act XX+41 Cambric Gilded Mithril Mail HauberkNestor's Bright Idea CLXXXVIR-Rats
38JustMePanda ManMu-Fu Monk60STR 1877Act XV+30 Cambric Holy Diamond Mail HauberkClever Fellow CXXIIOver 9999999R-Rats
39GrozpramDemicanadianBattle-Felon57STR 1254Act XIII+38 Custom Fine AegisHydrophobia LXXXVBy the Great Leaf! Unhand that Syrup!R-Rats
40piccolozHalf OrcMage Illusioner55CON 618Act XI+30 Cambric Festooned Mithril Mail SolleretsMulligan LXXIIWhat do you see whem you close your eyes?R-Rats

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