Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Olympus
Pop. 59


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
41ZoubmemTrans-KoboldVoodoo Princess50DEX 337Act VIII+28 Studded Mithril Mail HauberkCone of Paste XXXVIIIOLMP
42ApvupDouble WookieeTickle-Mimic50CON 302Act VIII+18 Impressive Cambric Diamond Mail GreavesCone of Paste XXXIVOLMP
43VatlokDouble WookieeMu-Fu Monk41INT 112Act V+2 Festooned Impressive Plasma GambesonHydrophobia XIVI need scissors! 61!OLMP
44A13GyrognomeRuneloremaster36INT 83Act IVImpressive Plasma BrassairtsHydrophobia XIIOLMP
45A1Half ManFighter/Organist36CHA 108Act IV+20 Cambric Festooned Baroque ShieldLockjaw VIIIOLMP
46A2Enchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk36DEX 73Act IV+12 Gilded Custom Kevlar HelmBig Sister XIVOLMP
47A3Dung ElfTongueblade36CON 124Act IVFestooned Banded Plasma GauntletsInnoculate XIIIOLMP
48A4Double HobbitHunter Strangler36INT 118Act IV+12 Studded Fine Magnetic FieldClever Fellow XVIOLMP
49A5Double WookieeBattle-Felon36CHA 122Act IV+5 Holy Studded Diamond Mail BrassairtsMulligan XOLMP
50A6Enchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic36CHA 114Act IV+13 Custom Banded ABS VambracesMulligan XIIOLMP

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