Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Daepiso
Pop. 462


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
211orion-bebeDouble HobbitPuma Burgular39DEX 99Act IV+17 Festooned Fine Chainmail HelmLockjaw XIIMDAE
212KrodokLow ElfShiv-Knight39CHA 97Act IV+2 Banded Holy Plasma BrassairtsClever Fellow XIIIIMDAE
213TonicEnchanted MotorcyclePuma Burgular39CON 109Act IV+30 Polished Serrated BlunderbussInnoculate XVII^.^IMDAE
214DurrenLesser DwarfUr-Paladin39CHA 84Act IV+14 Festooned Custom Kevlar BrassairtsBig Sister XVIIMDAE
215JuxfradDouble HobbitMage Illusioner39CON 120Act IV+3 Gilded Custom Plasma GreavesInvisible Hands XVIIIIMDAE
216RancyHalf HalflingVoodoo Princess39WIS 103Act IV+10 Banded Cambric Diamond Mail HelmLockjaw XIIIIMDAE
217UzkruvWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess38STR 137Act IV+3 Festooned Studded Plasma CuissesInvisible Hands XXIIMDAE
218KimJWHalf ManUr-Paladin38WIS 116Act IV+14 Festooned Studded Titanium BrassairtsBig Sister XIIIIMDAE
219RayeBattle-FinchBattle-Felon38CHA 86Act IV+14 Custom Gilded Kevlar GreavesCone of Paste XIpreemptive strikeIMDAE
220YakrezWill o' the WispBirdrider38DEX 102Act IVHoly Festooned Plasma GambesonBraingate XAllons-y!IMDAE

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