Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Daepiso
Pop. 462


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
241HinaxHalf ManRuneloremaster35CHA 82Act IV+19 Banded Custom Baroque ShieldBraingate VIIMDAE
242inghiniPanda ManBastard Lunatic35INT 68Act III+14 Festooned Impressive AegisAqueous Humor VIIIIMDAE
243shironaLow ElfVoodoo Princess35INT 91Act III+9 Fine Custom Kevlar GauntletsAnimate Nightstand IXIMDAE
244GraziaDung ElfVoodoo Princess35CON 81Act III+9 Banded Fine Titanium CuissesMagnetic Orb XIVIMDAE
245RiekaxHalf ManRuneloremaster35STR 83Act III+7 Gilded Diamond Mail GambesonMagnetic Orb XIVIMDAE
246VibtretHalf HalflingRuneloremaster34STR 79Act III+19 Banded Studded Baroque ShieldGood Move VIIIMDAE
247A JacklinWill o' the WispShiv-Knight34INT 90Act III+14 Venomed Dancing LanceAnimate Nightstand VIIIIMDAE
248TroutumHalf ManSlow Poisoner34CHA 90Act III+8 Custom Fine Kevlar CuissesMulligan VIIIIMDAE
249gaiiiiEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic34STR 59Act III+1 Banded Plasma BrassairtsLockjaw XumIMDAE
250RosemossLow ElfMage Illusioner34STR 63Act III+5 Custom Impressive Mithril Mail GauntletsGyp XIIIMDAE

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