Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Kitten Stranglers
Pop. 73

Kitten Stranglers

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
51ChapraWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess37WIS 113Act IV+15 Banded Cambric Kevlar GreavesMagnetic Orb X*hic*Kitten-X
52OumvinHalf OrcShiv-Knight36CON 96Act IV+10 Festooned Holy Titanium BrassairtsLockjaw XVII challenge you to mortal combat!Kitten-X
53TratnounWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess35STR 81Act IV+12 Cambric Gilded Mithril Mail VambracesSadness XIThis is not rock n roll!Kitten-X
54Rabid JewBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic35INT 82Act III+10 Gilded Banded Mithril Mail GambesonInvisible Hands XIVGIVE ME BACK MY JACKET YOU FAT BASTARDKitten-X
55WhoopxezDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic34CON 67Act IIIFestooned Plasma GambesonAngioplasty VIDouble bastard slapKitten-X
56AlexasTalking PonyBastard Lunatic33CON 68Act III+8 Banded Festooned Titanium VambracesAnimate Nightstand VIIKitten-X
57XikerBattle-FinchShiv-Knight32DEX 62Act III+9 Holy Kevlar CuissesNonplus VHoeSkank!Kitten-X
58OdeckDouble HobbitMu-Fu Monk31STR 71Act III+2 Fine Holy Mithril Mail SolleretsBig Sister VIIHarder than Solitaire!Kitten-X
59KorosareteGyrognomeRobot Monk30CON 52Act III+9 Holy Cambric Splint Mail HauberkHoly Batpole VIIPancakes!Kitten-X
60CruzziegEnchanted MotorcycleBattle-Felon29DEX 56Act III+5 Custom Mithril Mail GambesonAqueous Humor VIIIKitten-X

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