Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for First Church of Progress
Pop. 273

First Church of Progress

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
51Dr PeilPanda ManRobot Monk65STR 2054Act XXI+34 Banded Festooned Diamond Mail CuissesBig Sister CCXXXIRespect Technology!FCoP
52waluigi4everPanda ManTickle-Mimic64STR 3259Act XX+35 Gilded Banded Diamond Mail SolleretsNestor's Bright Idea CXCIVFCoP
53mayazaviksDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic64DEX 1938Act XX+38 Custom Festooned Mithril Mail BrassairtsRabbit Punch CCCXXIIOh yea? Who needs the f'ing rope?FCoP
54EmotPanda ManSlow Poisoner64STR 2822Act XIX+43 Fine Platemail GambesonNestor's Bright Idea CXCVIIFCoP
55EvzoodHalf ManUr-Paladin63CHA 1502Act XIX+42 Dancing Serrated BandyclefBraingate CLXVIIThere is no LuckFCoP
56-MarkX-Trans-KoboldShiv-Knight63CON 1647Act XIX+26 Fine Festooned Plasma BrassairtsGyp CCLXXXVIIu mad?FCoP
57E_Enchanted MotorcycleInner Mason63CHA 3134Act XIX+33 Holy Cambric Diamond Mail HelmHydrophobia CCIBetter than Bitcoins !FCoP
58robpancakeTalking PonyRobot Monk63STR 2356Act XVIII+26 Banded Fine Plasma GambesonClever Fellow CLXXXIIgerminating the country sideFCoP
59AdelianeTalking PonyTongueblade63WIS 1107Act XVIII+49 Heavy Dancing BliboHastiness CCLXXXIXFCoP
60Rad'ladWill o' the WispShiv-Knight62STR 2935Act XVIII+35 Fine Holy Titanium HauberkMulligan CLIWhispey!FCoP

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