Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for ponies can fart too
Pop. 11

ponies can fart too

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1magicmissileGreater GnomeMage Illusioner80STR 34188Act LIX+50 Banded Custom Diamond Mail CuissesBig Sister MDCCCXVIIImore progress than lukefarting pony
2SuckalotTalking PonyTickle-Mimic80WIS 27664Act LIX+64 Custom Cambric AegisClever Fellow MMCXCVIFNORD!farting pony
3MaekyuxDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic79CON 27589Act LVII+65 Stabbity Venomed CrankbowMagnetic Orb MMCLXIMhm?farting pony
4RazielleTalking PonyMage Illusioner78CON 13922Act L+54 Fine Studded Magnetic FieldCone of Paste MCCLXIfarting pony
5kraynezeroBattle-FinchFighter/Organist73CON 9011Act XXXVII+58 Studded Impressive Bearskin HauberkBraingate DVIIIooweeeee!!!farting pony
6CoolHandHalf ManTongueblade72CON 6859Act XXXV+59 Custom Banded PaviseGood Move MXXXVIfarting pony
7Frodo LegginsDouble HobbitShiv-Knight66CHA 3660Act XXIII+42 Festooned Custom Kevlar VambracesAqueous Humor CCCXLIVOne ring to bore them all!farting pony
8OloloidTalking PonyRobot Monk47INT 254Act VII+12 Fine Plasma GreavesSlime Finger XXVIIII LIKE my hat.farting pony
9Makjang_SRank_Talking PonyTickle-Mimic35STR 110Act III+8 Holy Gilded Mithril Mail GambesonCone of Annoyance IXI'm Makjang. it means last page.farting pony
10Mr Strength!!Double HobbitBattle-Felon29WIS 50Act III+13 Venomed Serrated CulverinSeasick VIIMe weak!farting pony

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