Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Sex, Drugs, and Violence Lovers Incorporated.
Pop. 183

Sex, Drugs, and Violence Lovers Incorporated.

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
131ZeekousDouble HobbitMu-Fu Monk30WIS 91Act III+15 Heavy Vicious CulverinBig Sister VIBAM!Sex & Drugs
132SamahDung ElfVoodoo Princess30CHA 59Act III+7 Holy Studded ABS SolleretsClever Fellow VIHey fucking gob, stay there!Sex & Drugs
133MosefundTalking PonyBastard Lunatic30STR 64Act IIIFine Diamond Mail HelmLockjaw IXI am already deadSex & Drugs
134KruvprezDouble HobbitRobot Monk30WIS 50Act III+10 Cambric Kevlar BrassairtsGood Move VIFor the bars!Sex & Drugs
135KunganPanda ManJungle Clown29CHA 53Act III+1 Holy Impressive Titanium GreavesGyp XIIII'm better than you, just wait!Sex & Drugs
136CunningLinguistSkraelingTongueblade29WIS 50Act III+12 Holy AegisSpectral Miasma XSex & Drugs
137HusseyLow ElfHunter Strangler29CHA 57Act IIIMildewed Plasma GauntletsRabbit Punch VIITo infinity, and beyond!Sex & Drugs
138GornHalf OrcFighter/Organist29CON 52Act III+12 Studded Impressive Ringmail GauntletsSeasick XAlways with a condom on the organ.Sex & Drugs
139BarakashTalking PonyPuma Burgular29CHA 54Act III+1 Gilded Diamond Mail HauberkSpectral Miasma VIIBarakash BASH BASHSex & Drugs
140ShooshDouble WookieeRobot Monk29INT 64Act III+2 Festooned Impressive Magnetic FieldCone of Annoyance VIIIWAAAAHG!Sex & Drugs

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