Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Illuminati's
Pop. 183


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
111ArctoriusPanda ManUr-Paladin42CON 147Act V+5 Festooned Custom Plasma CuissesCurse Name XIIIMoo²³
112lord kamiHalf ManInner Mason42DEX 159Act V+6 Festooned Gilded Plasma SolleretsHydrophobia XIX²³
113TecGreater GnomeMage Illusioner42WIS 136Act V+7 Holy Plasma HelmSpectral Miasma XVIIfuk u²³
114FrupmenWill o' the WispShiv-Knight42STR 131Act V+8 Festooned Plasma HauberkRevolting Cloud XIIIF U C K F R U P M E N²³
115ketaetcEnchanted MotorcycleMage Illusioner42DEX 119Act V+16 Festooned Custom Titanium HauberkClever Fellow XIIpublic static void²³
116 AzraelEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic41STR 131Act V+18 Gilded Holy ABS GreavesTumor (Benign) XIV²³
117Sir AzraelEnchanted MotorcycleBirdrider41WIS 121Act V+18 Gilded Banded Titanium HelmRabbit Punch XXIII²³
118FoolioWill o' the WispBastard Lunatic41CHA 131Act V+14 Impressive Festooned Kevlar CuissesMulligan IX²³
119KobalarHalf ManMage Illusioner39INT 100Act IV+17 Fine ABS VambracesSpectral Miasma XVIII²³
120KritzickBattle-FinchShiv-Knight39STR 152Act IV+16 Studded Festooned Kevlar CuissesSeasick XVIIi am pro..........................................²³

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