Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Illuminati's
Pop. 183


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
121Pala_JosDemicanadianUr-Paladin38DEX 107Act IV+18 Cambric Magnetic FieldCone of Paste XKill You!²³
122JatgrupEnchanted MotorcycleBirdrider38STR 155Act IV+9 Gilded Cambric Diamond Mail BrassairtsTumor (Benign) XI hate cats!²³
123evilreneEnchanted MotorcyclePuma Burgular37INT 110Act IV+2 Gilded Banded Plasma HelmLockjaw XIololol!²³
124MatvickWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess37CON 80Act IV+13 Studded Holy Kevlar CuissesCurse Name VIII²³
125EckgruckDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic37STR 82Act IV+5 Cambric Impressive Diamond Mail VambracesMulligan IX²³
126KrugshanLesser DwarfBastard Lunatic37STR 85Act IV+4 Gilded Plasma GauntletsRevolting Cloud XVYo , what`s up ? :D²³
127LardAssDouble WookieeRobot Monk36WIS 79Act IV+8 Gilded Impressive Mithril Mail VambracesGyp XIV²³
128Apo11oEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic36WIS 81Act IV+11 Banded Festooned Titanium HauberkMagnetic Orb XIILAWL ROFL LAWL²³
129Mr. PinkTalking PonyTongueblade36WIS 72Act IV+9 Impressive Cambric Mithril Mail CuissesBig Sister XI²³
130LexvanEnchanted MotorcycleBattle-Felon36WIS 78Act IV+1 Custom Cambric Plasma CuissesRabbit Punch XIII42²³

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