Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Illuminati's
Pop. 183


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
81XademWill o' the WispSlow Poisoner49DEX 221Act VIII+12 Holy Custom Plasma CuissesInvisible Hands LII²³
82WettSandGyrognomeBastard Lunatic49CON 305Act VIII+22 Impressive Custom Titanium VambracesSpectral Miasma XXXIXDrunk words are sober thoughts²³
83OognobHalf ManUr-Paladin49DEX 311Act VIII+23 Festooned Holy Titanium HauberkCone of Paste XXXVMen are for snails.²³
84AvludGreater GnomeMage Illusioner49INT 206Act VIII+34 Polished Venomed CulverinSpectral Miasma XXXIVThe Game²³
85XebgremDemicanadianHunter Strangler48DEX 219Act VII+12 Gilded Festooned Plasma HelmHoly Batpole XXVIIfnord²³
86BurloqGreater GnomeRuneloremaster48STR 210Act VII+22 Banded Custom Mithril Mail HauberkInnoculate XLFor Pony!²³
87DrozjaeckDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic48STR 220Act VII+14 Gilded Cambric Plasma VambracesRevolting Cloud XLI²³
88YekkrukTrans-KoboldRuneloremaster48CON 261Act VII+25 Gilded Custom ABS CuissesGood Move XLIIall your base are belong to us²³
89yzalSkraelingBastard Lunatic48STR 198Act VII+14 Gilded Studded Plasma GauntletsRevolting Cloud XLII²³
90RuxshemLesser DwarfShiv-Knight48WIS 246Act VII+17 Festooned Gilded Diamond Mail SolleretsRevolting Cloud XXXVI²³

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