Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Illuminati's
Pop. 183


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
91Grigori RasputinHalf ManInner Mason46STR 186Act VI+12 Gilded Studded Plasma GauntletsHastiness XXVIIMother Russia!²³
92Seefu SefirosuDemicanadianBastard Lunatic46INT 237Act VI+11 Custom Studded Plasma HelmSpectral Miasma XXIIII don't kill innocents... I take out the garbage.²³
93AekpromDemicanadianInner Mason46WIS 306Act VI+36 Steely Heavy CrankbowHydrophobia XXXVIIIThis is despot!²³
94ClankGyrognomeRobot Monk46DEX 145Act VI+12 Studded Banded Plasma GambesonAqueous Humor XXITeam Titan Uranus Son²³
95JumpalumpaPanda ManRobot Monk45CHA 209Act VI+32 Cambric Scale Mail BrassairtsGood Move XXXVI have mad skillz in this game²³
96TroutexEnchanted MotorcycleInner Mason45CHA 304Act VI+26 Impressive Banded AegisInvisible Hands XXIVVROOOOOOM!!!!²³
97GramjaxPanda ManUr-Paladin45CON 164Act VI+13 Fine Banded Diamond Mail GreavesCone of Paste XXVIPotato!²³
98leroooyGyrognomeRobot Monk44CON 153Act VI+19 Holy Studded Mithril Mail GambesonHydrophobia XIXwoohooo²³
99AndiakTrans-KoboldRobot Monk44CHA 215Act VI+31 Pronged HalberdHoly Batpole XVCarpe Noctem²³
100EvnudWill o' the WispTickle-Mimic44INT 243Act VI+21 Studded Festooned Titanium GauntletsInnoculate XXIXLulz²³

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