Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Holy R'lyehan Fish-Mongers of Cthulhu Rising
Pop. 193

Holy R'lyehan Fish-Mongers of Cthulhu Rising

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
141OdmekLow ElfHunter Strangler34WIS 91Act III+11 Festooned Titanium CuissesHoly Batpole VIICthulhu!
142BarakosSkraelingUr-Paladin33STR 107Act IIIFestooned Fine Diamond Mail HelmInnoculate XIVNot with a bang but a whimperCthulhu!
143XumtrexLand SquidRuneloremaster33STR 70Act III+2 Plasma HauberkInnoculate IXThis is madness!Cthulhu!
144YackfroukEel ManTongueblade33WIS 62Act III+8 Custom Gilded Titanium HelmAnimate Nightstand VIIMy Hovercraft...Cthulhu!
145MaddruzLand SquidVoodoo Princess31WIS 83Act III+5 Fine Festooned Kevlar VambracesSeasick XIIIsquid squid squidCthulhu!
146MizuDemicanadianMu-Fu Monk30DEX 77Act III+2 Banded Impressive Mithril Mail BrassairtsEye of the Troglodyte IIIKilling monster is just my past time.Cthulhu!
147DrackwhuxDemicanadianBastard Lunatic30STR 65Act III+7 Gilded Banded Kevlar SolleretsHoly Batpole VCthulhu!
148ShadowSharkDouble WookieeBirdrider30DEX 73Act III+3 Custom Fine Titanium HauberkAnimate Nightstand VCthulhu!
149BlardekWill o' the WispRobot Monk28INT 54Act III-3 Plasma HauberkClever Fellow VCORN FLAKES...Cthulhu!
150GawdEel ManShiv-Knight27WIS 54Act III+2 Diamond Mail HauberkHydrophobia VICthulhu!

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