Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Holy R'lyehan Fish-Mongers of Cthulhu Rising
Pop. 193

Holy R'lyehan Fish-Mongers of Cthulhu Rising

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
51TsathogguaCrested DwarfInner Mason59WIS 1313Act XIV+20 Custom Impressive Plasma GauntletsRevolting Cloud CXXXVIIIAll Hail Saint Toad!Cthulhu!
52KrumjoonDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic59DEX 887Act XIV+31 Holy Fine Titanium VambracesHydrophobia CXIIISmeemagWagthu!Cthulhu!
53ZernebockLand SquidTickle-Mimic58CHA 1306Act XIV+22 Gilded Holy Plasma CuissesGood Move CLXIIA Colt 45 is mightier than the pen.Cthulhu!
54HapablapDouble WookieeUr-Paladin57WIS 821Act XIII+29 Cambric Banded Diamond Mail GambesonNonplus LXXXITime for a Kansas City Shuffle!Cthulhu!
55RachelleEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic57DEX 1043Act XIII+33 Steely Vorpal BandyclefTumor (Benign) LXVYou're Winner!Cthulhu!
56KaosickPanda ManMu-Fu Monk57CON 779Act XIII+37 Studded Cambric Kevlar CuissesNestor's Bright Idea XCIMy karma ran over your dogmaCthulhu!
57CraxkrapEel ManPuma Burgular57CHA 1087Act XIII+21 Festooned Custom Plasma HauberkNonplus LXXVIDarf ich in deine Mutti's scheisse duschen?Cthulhu!
58Dumdum!Talking PonyBastard Lunatic57WIS 828Act XIII+22 Gilded Festooned Plasma VambracesCone of Paste CVIIBeware! Your knees are mine!Cthulhu!
59BewbsDung ElfMage Illusioner57INT 719Act XII+34 Gilded Fine Platemail GambesonMagnetic Orb CVIICthulhu!
60LoatheDung ElfShiv-Knight57STR 593Act XII+34 Cambric Gilded Titanium BrassairtsNestor's Bright Idea LXICthulhu!

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