Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Holy R'lyehan Fish-Mongers of Cthulhu Rising
Pop. 193

Holy R'lyehan Fish-Mongers of Cthulhu Rising

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
61FarquaLand SquidRuneloremaster57INT 967Act XII+27 Custom Cambric Diamond Mail GreavesNonplus LIVYour mom goes to college.Cthulhu!
62Sir SquidsalotLand SquidFighter/Organist56STR 1099Act XII+21 Fine Studded Plasma CuissesNestor's Bright Idea LXIXCthulhu fhtagn!Cthulhu!
63AlanorCrested DwarfTongueblade56STR 1012Act XII+37 Holy Festooned AegisSpectral Miasma XCCthulhu!
64VladislaffHalf OrcBastard Lunatic56STR 857Act XII+28 Festooned Impressive Mithril Mail CuissesClever Fellow LXXVIMOTD!Cthulhu!
65MiamakaTalking PonyVoodoo Princess56WIS 535Act XII+38 Banded Platemail GreavesHastiness CIXIn duckness!Cthulhu!
66DamianDemicanadianBastard Lunatic56CON 510Act XII+31 Festooned Gilded Mithril Mail HauberkNestor's Bright Idea LXXIVCthulhu!
67IokLand SquidRuneloremaster56CHA 1038Act XII+31 Holy Cambric Titanium GreavesCone of Paste LXXIVCthulhu!
68Will o' the Wisp im lootWill o' the WispTickle-Mimic55DEX 550Act XI+23 Festooned Custom Diamond Mail GauntletsGyp XCVIDont know my lvl.Cthulhu!
69KrandrupTalking PonyMu-Fu Monk55STR 449Act XI+26 Impressive Festooned Mithril Mail CuissesMulligan LVIEeeee Eeeee EeeeeCthulhu!
70VeckprieckEel ManInner Mason54WIS 711Act X+27 Holy Fine Kevlar GreavesHoly Batpole LVIIWhere's the hot tamales?Cthulhu!

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