Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for The Night Masks
Pop. 136

The Night Masks

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
101LaurisBattle-FinchRuneloremaster41INT 129Act V+18 Holy Banded ABS SolleretsBraingate IXCome to papa!NightMasks
102lolzWill o' the WispMage Illusioner40INT 205Act V+19 Gilded Holy Splint Mail HelmAqueous Humor XXlolzNightMasks
103MalarHalf OrcShiv-Knight40DEX 111Act IV+21 Gilded Platemail HauberkGyp XVNightMasks
104YatoEel ManSlow Poisoner40DEX 113Act IV+5 Gilded Banded Plasma GambesonMagnetic Orb XXINightMasks
105KrapodTalking PonyTickle-Mimic39DEX 169Act IV+9 Cambric Custom Diamond Mail VambracesTumor (Benign) VIIINightMasks
106FraeproozDemicanadianMage Illusioner38CON 91Act IV+17 Studded Cambric Magnetic FieldAqueous Humor XVIIGet f***ing wrecked!NightMasks
107BrouvjixHalf HalflingBastard Lunatic37INT 85Act IV+10 Holy Custom Mithril Mail GreavesNonplus VIIo.o this is unuseful o.oNightMasks
108DarkilonLow ElfSlow Poisoner37CHA 96Act IV+1 Holy Cambric Plasma BrassairtsSlime Finger XVINightMasks
109CrevcrazDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic36INT 83Act IV+3 Gilded Plasma HauberkHydrophobia XVYou worry me... reallyNightMasks
110AdriviteurEel ManSlow Poisoner35DEX 66Act IV+13 Banded Gilded Kevlar GambesonHydrophobia XII19 febrero 2014 UVICNightMasks

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