Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Chemists Unearthing Natures Treasures
Pop. 108

Chemists Unearthing Natures Treasures

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
101VacktrapDung ElfPuma Burgular11INT 33Act I+1 Bearskin CuissesLockjaw IIIUm, yeah
102NennekCrested DwarfFighter/Organist7STR 24Act IKite ShieldAqueous Humor IIOpera conductor with no legs = semiconductor?Um, yeah
103koenig77 - onlineDouble WookieeUr-Paladin7WIS 23Act I-2 Leathers CuissesSlime Finger IIISave the Kingdom!Um, yeah
104WhoubshietTalking PonyBastard Lunatic6INT 20Act IGilded Burlap HauberkHastiness IIUm, yeah
105LeckpruxPanda ManInner Mason4CHA 18Act I+1 HandpeenMagnetic Orb IIDare to be stupidUm, yeah
106XiepxikEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk2INT 15Act I-1 Garbage Can LidHastiness IKILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!Um, yeah
107NunutGreater GnomeMu-Fu Monk1WIS 13Act ISharp StickUm, yeah
108Hacker TeliGyrognomeShiv-Knight1CON 999999Act ISharp StickUm, yeah

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